What is Considered Property Damage

What is Considered Property Damage?

Property damage happens when your property is destroyed or damaged and loses some sort of value or loss of functionality. Property damage is usually some sort of harm that is inflicted upon someone’s property from negligence or purposeful destruction or an act of nature, like a hurricane, flood, or fire. Sometimes, in the case of a car accident, property damage and bodily injury can happen at the same time. However, these are handled differently through different insurance policies. Hiring a public adjuster can help you handle complex accidents that fall under multiple coverages.

Property is divided into two categories:

Real Property

Real property is anything that includes land or is permanently attached to it. For example, a house, tree, swimming pool, and guest house are all considered real property. 

Personal Property

Personal property refers to everything else that belongs to you that is movable, including your clothes, jewelry, and vehicles. Sometimes, insurance providers will call this ‘chattel.’

In What Ways Can Your Property Be Damaged?

The term property damage is not a one-size-fits-all umbrella term. Property damage can come from many different things, each of which has a different course of action for insurance compensation. Let’s look at some of the ways your property could be damaged.

    • Negligence: If your property is damaged by the negligent behavior of others, you can seek a claim against them to recover your lost property value. For example, if someone is recklessly driving and hits your car, you could pursue a claim for negligent property damage. 

    • Willful Action: If your property is damaged by the willful destruction of others, you are viable to fight for recompensation. 

    • Conversion: If your property is taken and no longer belongs to you, or someone takes control of your property, you can seek compensation. For example, if your roommate steals your diamond ring and sells it to a pawn shop, you can file to receive the entire value of the ring.

What Can You Do If Your Property Is Damaged?

There are several steps to take after your property has been damaged to get compensation for your losses or damages.

    • Make a claim with your insurance company.

    • Pursue a claim against the person or group that caused your damage.

If you have experienced property damages, contact us at 760-815-3650 to recover the worth of your property.